Browse our complete selection of refurbished bicycles for sale in our online shop.
Or visit our bicycle thrift store at 1779 Merwin Ave. Cleveland, OH 44113. Walk-in hours: Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, noon – 5pm
Need parts for your bike? Fill out our parts request form.
Want to learn how to fix your bike? Take our classes! or schedule time to work on your bike with guidance in our community shop!

photo credit: Peter Nagy
Updates from OCBC!
Thanks for the great generosity; please enjoy this reciprocity…
We are very grateful for the very many and very generous donations in response to our recent email appeal for community support; especially as it highlighted our our recently formalized Pay What You Can program to help folks with lesser means enjoy the many benefits...
Partner organization training services
We are pleased to see more community bike programs emerging, and we are eager to help them succeed by sharing whatever resources and experience we can. Here is the "package" of discounts, training, and support we offer for organizations starting bike libraries,...