Learn to Ride a Bike
We offer group lessons for kids and private lessons for adults and children. Group lessons are seasonal, and private lessons are year round, weather permitting.
Read more about learn to ride lessons here.
Or teach yourself (or your kid) how to ride a bike using these instructions.

Bicycle Maintenance and Repair
Our single session Fix a Flat class covers how to fix a flat tire on a bicycle. It’s our most basic class and is suitable for folks new to bike repair or who want a refresher.
We offer two levels of Park Tool School repair courses: Tune-up and Overhaul. The Tune Up class series will teach you how to keep a bike in safe, reliable working condition, without replacing components. The Overhaul class series will teach you how to take a bike apart, replace all the worn parts, and put it back together. These courses are successive–you must take the Tune Up course before the Overhaul course.
For folks who already have some bike repair knowledge, including how to true a wheel, we offer an Introduction to Wheel Building single session class.